domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

Laptop love

My favorite technology is certainly my laptop. I got it as a present for my 18th birthday from my parents. It is really easy to use and have many functions, mainly I turn it on with the power botton and then surf the internet, prepare assays with Microsoft Office (type them in Word and then set a presentation in PowerPoint), or chit-chat with friends via messenger or even with classmates to arrange meetings or discuss about papers we are asked to write. I use it daily since I got it, unless I am out. I just love it because of it's easy usage, I can carry it wherever I want and makes my life a lot less stressful. Without it I wouldn't be able to talk to friends who have a busy agenda and it would be a more difficult to investigate about topics our teachers asks us to. In other words, my life would be really stressful and I wouldn't get to know about my friends in long periods, making it very lonely and boring.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Hi!! My name is Claudia, but I prefer to be called Clau. I'm in thirth year of veterinary medicine, I love it, always wanted this, ever since I was a little girl.

Well I'm here now because I need to improve my writting and reading abilities in english, plus enhancing my vocabulary and, thus, understanding more easily, and I think this blog is a great idea for this.

Now, I shall go to study, other day I will write more. See ya